Saturday, October 31, 2015

Marketing Penetration and Competitive Advantage

This topic here is a rather tricky one if you ask me. Well it is when it concerns higher education. Every time you turn on the television or the radio it is some commercial with some school trying to get you to attend I mean they are flooding the airways with they have the right program for you and then truly they have a great competitive advantage with the one thing that I think sucks most people in. YOU CAN TAKE ONLINE AT YOUR OWN PASTE! Some even go as far as they will give you or find you a laptop just so you can sign up.  Oddly enough I wonder if they feel as if they are at a disadvantage that’s why the charge an individual quadruple what a standard private school would cost. So in return I think they lose their competitive advantage. Considering I have yet to her one person to personally recommend  anyone to go to one of them nor have I honestly heard of anyone going to one of them and getting a job related to anything they have gone to school for. So yes every month here come some new school and they have some advantages over a standard school but have they now become over populated to the point in which they may have start losing to the same type of competition?        

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Distribution and Location

Well I for one would have never but so much thought into where to place my business.  An area with high traffic volume was all that I needed so I thought. However I did discover as I first started with this blog that signs can make a big difference considering I walked right past this place and did not realize it for a while.  This was kind of odd thinking about it now I did place two and two together to think they may be serving because they pick the right location.  Where they might not be that noticeable practically due to bad singing yet, they with enough foot traffic customers are coming in.  But looking at it now after some of the things I have learned could this still be a bad thing for them in the respect of they might have to pay a high price in rent or utilities. So there are quite a few things one most take into consideration when picking the location. For instance we must not forget our competitors also. Because if there is more than one option around for the customers what will make them choose one over another.   

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Your Brand

Well truly we know she isn’t the brains but at this point I when I think Cover Girl I see Drew Barrymore and vice versa. I’m not sure if her being the face of Cover Girl would really be her second career or her first. It’s like all of her movies may have been her playing around and these is her career. I’m confident that they used her to appeal to a younger crowed because she was so young.   Yet, has she grows older I think she keeps a real youthful look which draws in older women while still appealing to young girls. So it is as if she is Cover Girl its self. Talking about a woman working her brand!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Party Time

Here is the question, who gets to party when only one small section of the company produces a bright idea?

It’s time to party! Well as far as I’m concern I think everyone should be able to party. Yeah it maybe the engineers that got the ball rolling but I for one think their accomplishment should be celebrated so of course they get to party. Then on the other hand I think everyone else should also to as an incentive to help push the product out. Because I honestly believe if everyone only sees a certain group celebrating it turns them resentful and this could truly cost a company a lot of money. Just think about it if you’re a sales person and all you do is get paid for doing what you supposed and someone else gets paid and a party your likely to turn kind of bitter and not push to sale as much as you can. Sadly I think that is just a start in the build up to negative things that could go on. Although they all will add up and can become very costly in the long run. Or another way of looking at it; when people feel appreciated they often go out of their way to try do things for you. So yeah you might come out of pocket with a little extra money for this event but in the end you should be able to more than make that money back.

So what do you think?