Saturday, October 31, 2015

Marketing Penetration and Competitive Advantage

This topic here is a rather tricky one if you ask me. Well it is when it concerns higher education. Every time you turn on the television or the radio it is some commercial with some school trying to get you to attend I mean they are flooding the airways with they have the right program for you and then truly they have a great competitive advantage with the one thing that I think sucks most people in. YOU CAN TAKE ONLINE AT YOUR OWN PASTE! Some even go as far as they will give you or find you a laptop just so you can sign up.  Oddly enough I wonder if they feel as if they are at a disadvantage that’s why the charge an individual quadruple what a standard private school would cost. So in return I think they lose their competitive advantage. Considering I have yet to her one person to personally recommend  anyone to go to one of them nor have I honestly heard of anyone going to one of them and getting a job related to anything they have gone to school for. So yes every month here come some new school and they have some advantages over a standard school but have they now become over populated to the point in which they may have start losing to the same type of competition?        

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