Saturday, September 26, 2015

Oh yes! It’s a set up that we as people keep falling for at the dreadful checkout line. It is indeed an impulse reaction that causes one to go ahead and purchase these products. For instances your walking down aisle with the drinks and you sometimes don’t even give them a second glance or you just pick up your usual. Then you get to the checkout counter and the refrigerator has this bright light on the new peach soda and you just have to try it. This in return will have you buying it for now one when you are on that aisle with the drinks if you liked it. But then at the same time they have bright and colorful magazine with the best looking dessert you have ever seen so it is a must that you buy is so you can make it. Oddly enough it does not register in our heads I’ve never made a desert in my life so what about this one is going to make me start now. On top of all of that the things up there at that counter are kind of cheap so we tend to thin it wouldn’t hurt for me to go ahead on and get this.

I’m glad this one has not happened yet well I haven't seen it yet. Although I think if a retail store starts putting two and three dollar bottles of perfume and cologne at the register that it would increase sales for these products at an even higher rate.  Even if it is just because the consumer keeps coming to buy the samples because it is so cheap although, they are likely receiving a great deal less of product for their money.    

Friday, September 18, 2015

What consumers want is the experience overall I believe. More time than one realizes your product makes the consumer wants it. Such as your sitting on your sofa watching television and a furniture commercial comes on and all of a sudden you start to think about how you need this new living room set. When you really don’t need it you just would enjoy the experience of having something new to glam your place up.  As we a have gone over already at one point in Starbucks didn’t do any commercial yet it is a success. They took the time out to know their customer and offer the ultimate experience. For example on a college campus students have the enjoyment of great taste, something to help them stay awake, Wi-Fi to stay connected where they can get their school work done among other things, and nice laid back environment where you can just socialize.  Then you could do something like a dance club in close to a young suburban neighborhood and you can almost count the days down to its closing. For these people my like to party but they truly don’t want the party and all the troubles that may come with it to come to them talking about an unwanted experience. So while it seems as if it would be as easy as one, two, and three to put any business anywhere it’s not. It is up to the owner to do their homework to ensure that greater majority in the area would want the services offered, can they afford the service, how convent will the service to the people, and so on.  The owner must also do homework to know how the business might survive with the respect of competition around pricing for the location as well host of other things in this nature.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

So as I mentioned before I wanted to find out what made this place called Noni's work. Well as far as I'm concerned some times your product just sales itself.  So from asking employees what they had that was really good.  Of coarse they told me everything but the wings and the Philly are the top sellers. Yet I still decided to try a Samosa and I must say it was pretty tasty. Now I had a veggie and a beef Samosa I must say I like the beef much better and oh my the sauce that they give you to go on it is amazing. Let me put the warning out right away, it's kind of spicy and the sauce is even Spicer!

So to sum it up I would go back and with that being said I guess good food and a good word of mouth is sometimes all you need.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

So I wanted to start my blog, to find out what  is the reason for a business survival when they seem to be hide away. the first place I have discovered and think I will be looking into a bit more is a place called Noni's Kafe. While I have yet to figure out what really make it work I just wanted to  state the reason why I picked this place.  First of all it is in the Five Point South area of Birmingham, AL where a lot seems to be going on all the time yet, I walked pass this place and didn't even realize it at first. Then when I walked back buy and saw it, the place seem to be so narrow as if you held your arms out to each side that they would touch each wall. Even more than that I really wonder how they can make it when they weren't even open on a Saturday evening for business.

Well we will see where it goes from here!